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Writer's pictureDr. Lisa Gonzales

Two Questions for School Leaders

This is an easy one, because its really not two questions for school leaders to ANSWER, but rather two questions they can ASK. These two questions can be asked in a meeting with parents. They can be asked of a team of teachers. They work really well with a disenfranchised group because more often than not, the questions result in responses that are positive, bringing a positive spin to a conversation.

So here goes….

* On a zero-to-ten scale, how likely is it that you would recommend the XYZ School District to friend or colleague.

* What is the primary reason for your score?

When I’ve done this with groups, the responses were surprising. Parents who often seemed unsupportive or typically responded with negative perspectives were those who selected very high numbers. And when I’ve done this with those who spend time on campuses and have some understanding of public education, the scores are even higher.

But the ensuing comments that come out of the “reason for the score” are even more helpful, as they provide enlightening insights into how parents and community members feel about their school(s).

What I’ve found with the numerical responses is similar to what the Phi Delta Kappa annual surveys have shown decade after decade – we think our local schools do a great job. We may have complaints about our schools, but when it comes right down to it, we do believe that, overall, they are doing a good (and sometimes great) job.

Compare this to the state performance and the national performance and the answers begin to differ, as the further away the analysis gets from one’s neighborhood schools, the more the scores go down.

Click HERE for more information on the Phi Delta Kappa Annual Gallup Poll of the Public’s Attitudes Toward the Public Schools.SaveSave

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