Happy Monday!
Quite a few years ago, I ran across Liz Wiseman's book, The Multiplier Effect.

As a second year superintendent, I was convinced that this book was an essential read for my leadership team. Each week, we'd focus in on a chapter and identify a key individual who we would hone in on to support and encourage. We'd articulate our objectives and hold one another accountable.
Want to lead like a multiplier?
When I arrived in Dublin as an Assistant Superintendent, I purchased the same book for all of our site leaders (principals and assistant principals) as well as for the leaders in our Educational Services Department. Each month, we emphasized a chapter in an attempt to intentionally maximize the impact we can have on others with whom we work. A different spin in Dublin was that each month, three leaders were responsible for presenting the chapter they were assigned with specific activities to help support their colleagues in a professional learning community approach. Sound easy and doable? It is!
I love the message about being a multiplier because its at the core of who I am as a leader. I work at pushing others to be their best selves, both for themselves and for those with whom they work. Are you ready to do the same in your school or district?

As promised, each of these blog posts will have some core components for further exploration, so explore away.
Does this topic resonate with you? If you are looking to be a multiplier, you first need to remember what YOU need. Yes, you. When you are able to bring out the best in you, you can then bring out the best in others. Read more from this 2010 article from the Harvard Business Review.
There is a great video that I've shared for years on a Videos For Leadership website that I host with colleagues. I am a huge Simon Sinek fan and find this video is a quick way to see how you can support AND multiply the gifts of others (okay 12 minutes, so maybe the second cup of coffee???)
Take a look.....
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I love to take images that I find online and turn them into note cards. I take a blank powerpoint slide and put four images on a page so they are easy to size and cut down into note cards that fit into small envelopes. I then carry them around in my briefcase so I can write a note any time I see something I want to acknowledge at work, or even when I want someone to know they are appreciated.
Print in color on cardstock....practically free! Here are a couple to consider....and to give frequently. Its up to us to make sure others feel safe, secure, inspired, and supported. Perhaps one of these is exactly what someone needs. So will you be the multiplier?

Make it a great week!