This week's post is a little different than the rest, simply because I wanted to stay current with what I'm doing. I'll be presenting with a newer colleague in Ohio at the Ohio Superintendent Leadership Academy with the world-renowned Trish Rubin.
A very special friend taught me an invaluable lesson about a year ago - there are no unintended conversations.

Trish is living proof of that. Our paths crossed at the Women's Leadership Conference this past fall in Newport Beach. She was the keynote and I was doing my thing as the ACSA Past President. We got to talking...and just kept talking.
And today I am on a flight to Ohio to co-facilitate a day-long training of more than 30 Superintendents who are eager to learn from Trish's book and my experience in branding a number of programs and districts where I've been fortunate enough to lead in the last dozen years.
Here is a link to our abbreviated presentation, just to get a flavor for what we'll be doing.
There are no unintended conversations. That's for here's to a day of travel and a day of even more learning!